Booking Tools: The Long and Short of It
Like any software, choosing the *right* booking tool is something that depends on a lot of different variables. What do you need to accomplish? Who needs to use it? What are their needs? Sometimes it’s easier to start with a list of the must-haves, and go from there.
Or, you can use our handy comparison below! We’ve compiled some of the biggest booking tools around. Here’s what we found out about each of them.
Booking Tools Comparison
Concur is by far the most robust booking tool, which is why Carrousel Travel stands by it. It’s user friendly and universally accessible via their mobile app. Users can access negotiated pricing and Carrousel preferred pricing, all in the same spot. When it comes to policy management, Concur includes programmed capabilities and the ability to embed travel policy violations. Calculating expenses while traveling can be a huge pain. Concur includes e-receipt capability and expense integration, making it easy for company travelers to keep track of things.
Concur also includes messaging and advisory functionality, along with the ability to track and apply unused tickets. Users can provide pre-trip approvals, itinerary management, online tool tracking, and access reporting as well.
Can you see why we like it so much?
Certify (formerly NuTravel)
Certify, formerly NuTravel, is also user friendly with a mobile app and access to different pricing. While there are restrictions around travel policy violations and limited programmed policy capabilities, this actually works to make the tool a better fit for some organizations. Additionally, Certify allows users to track and apply unused tickets, manage itineraries, and provides online tool training. The app is especially handy; for example, it allows users to take photos of receipts to create expense reports later!
Deem Work Fource
Deem Work Fource is a suite of tools designed to work together to help users manage business travel from booking to managing costs. Like Concur and Certify, this tool offers a mobile app as the *home base* for the traveler, through which they can manage and access things like:
- Travel policies and restrictions
- Automated ticket exchange
- Pre-approval
- Messaging
- Repeat bookings
Deem uses machine learning to aid in fare searches and a Facebook Messenger chatbot for automated help.
GetThere is focused on redesigning booking technology. Their mobile experience is optimized for any screen size – tablet, desktop, and smartphones. They allow for sophisticated travel policy management and promise seamless integration with existing tools. Additionally, GetThere offers support geared toward the unique needs of your primary industry.
Cytric’s main value proposition is built on speed, claiming that it’s possible to book business trips in 30 seconds or less. They believe that users should be saving time and money instead of surfing and searching. Cytric also uses a suite of tools for various services, like the Mobile Companion for mobile access, and the Travel Wizard for submitting travel applications, and Virtual View for insight into business travel accommodations.
Amadeus e-Travel
Amadeus e-Travel Management is just one in a portfolio of services under Amadeus Corporations. The key benefits of their solution includes automatic reporting and automatic facilitating of travel request approvals and simplified access to policies. They also offer an app for users through which they can compare fares, hotels and use templates within the Travel Arranger workspace.
Keep Business Travel Simple
When it comes to booking tools, there are many different options. The most important thing is to understand how to best utilize the features offered.
Carrousel knows the best strategy is to keep things centralized. If services are spread over multiple areas, apps or platforms, it increases time and money.
We would be happy to discuss all the options and recommend the right tool that fits your needs.