More than a Pet

Our team at Carrousel is always finding ways to give back. Our Air Specialist, Terry, recently attended a great event to benefit a boy in his community. Here is what Terry had to say:

“Rylee is a 13-year-old eighth grader with Type 1 Diabetes - diagnosed six years ago. He has struggled with his daily blood sugars and has had many hospital stays. He has an insulin pump and has his backpack to carry with him wherever he goes.

I recently attended a fundraiser to help raise money for Rylee’s service/companion dog “Dixie”. Dixie is currently being trained to be at Rylee’s side 24/7 and will be able to sense when Rylee’s blood sugar levels are out of whack and know how to get help if he needs it. The fundraiser (meal, silent auction, dance) will help cover costs for training Dixie and ongoing medical expenses.

The benefit was a great success with a great turnout and much needed money raised!”