Posts by Kelly Raines

Preferred Seats

Preferred Seats

Let’s say you have a flight holding for a client from JFK to LAX. He wants to know if there...

Hotel Map (additional details)

Hotel Map (additional details)

Use the Hotel Booking Tool. Click on View in the upper right-hand corner to bring up a map of the...

Hotel Search by Address

Hotel Search by Address

Let’s say you have a client that needs to visit a company but is not sure what hotels are available...

Hotel Map

Hotel Map

Click on the icon  in the description of the hotel you would like to map. It will bring up another...

Hotel Guarantee

Hotel Guarantee

Travelport has added more choices to the hotel guarantee drop down. The most frequent choice will still be credit card...

Deferred Payment on Seats

Deferred Payment on Seats

As mentioned in a previous tip of the day, Travelport allows you to hold seating on DL and UA for...

Changing a Booked Hotel Reservation

Changing a Booked Hotel Reservation

Let’s say you have a reservation booked for Mr. Lee, for travel April 9-14. He emails you to let you...

QSet Up

QSet Up

Wouldn’t it be nice to see how many records you have sitting in your schedule change queue without having to...

History Tab

History Tab

Remember when you would hit F5 (input recall) 50 times to go back to an entry? Well, Smartpoint History Tab...

Calendar Tool

Calendar Tool

You are speaking to a client on the phone when they mention they want to travel April 14-20th. Looking at...

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